Our Customized World Class Services Are Tailored To Your Individual Needs
American Pest Management takes the time to create a service plan for each individual to efficiently and effectively rid your structure of pests, and create a plan to maintain a pest free environment

Multi Family Housing Is Our Specialty
American Pest specializes in the Multi Family Housing division. While servicing thousands of units per month, American Pest Management are the experts in the Apartment industry. As a member of the Bay Area Apartment Association, and winning associate member of the year 5 times, American Pest Management Strives to provide world class service to you, your property, and your residents. Most of our contracts are full scope, which means the most popular items are included at no cost. This makes budgeting for pest control a breeze.

Our Key is Thoroughness
Our highly skilled technicians fill out detailed management reports for all services completed. We will also document any issues found during service including damage to apartment, housekeeping issues, pets, and apartments that we’re unable to service with a detailed explanation of why we were unable to enter. Unlike our competitors, we pride ourselves on being an additional set of “eyes and ears” for the owner or property manager. Our aggressive pricing coupled with our scientific and strategic approach to rid your property of any issues brings a fresh and new perspective to an industry that has been around since 300 B.C.

We Do It All
American Pest Management can take care of any issues on your property. Bee Removal, Termite Treatments, Inspections, and Termite Bonds, Rodent Programs, Bat Exclusions, Wild and Dangerous Animal Removal, and everything in between. American Pest Management is your pest control company that will take care of it all. We strive to deliver the customer service you want and deserve.

Bay Area Apartment Association
Being part of the Bay Area Apartment Association (BAAA) Means we have the trust of the entire Apartment Industry in the Tampa Bay Area. American Pest Management is also the recipient of Company Of The Year through the BAAA 5 Times! Who better to call than the experts the entire industry trust!